SOZO [Greek]: To save, heal, make whole, preserve, rescue, deliver, to give new life; to cause to have a new heart
SOZO Outreach is a Bible-based, non-denominational church spreading the good news in Goodyear, AZ, and reaching the entire Metro Phoenix area. SOZO Outreach is more than a church; it is a community built of brotherly love for one another [John 13:34-35]. Following a discipleship approach, we equip men and women to share the good news of Jesus Christ in our local cities, neighborhoods, and communities. Believers who desire to deepen their relationship with Christ and His body, go beyond Sunday Service attendance, and transform their walk into a day-by-day pursuit of a faith filled life with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, find a home at SOZO Outreach.
For anyone needing healing, looking to leave behind their old life, wanting rescue from the bondage of sin, we encourage you to connect with SOZO Outreach and begin your new life by fully dedicating yourself to Christ. For those seeking a church where they are not another member of a crowd but part of a community of believers invested in each other’s spiritual growth, SOZO Outreach is for you.
Our pastoral staff is equipped to serve both English and Spanish speakers.
Sunday Service
Every Sunday, 11:30 AM
15575 W Roosevelt St, Goodyear AZ 85338
Our Mission
Our Mission is to raise up disciples across Metro Phoenix who in turn build up families and a community dedicated to Christ.